
The problem of flying solo

One of the most vexing problems for solo operators is how to say yes when you are already booked & need to say no.  

The busier you get, the more frequently this happens.

I began to notice that it wasn't just me that felt frustrated. Clients, too, appeared to feel quite stuck. How much fun could it be to have your options limited like this? It was lose, lose.

The naturally occurring solution

Thankfully, the idea of growing a VFX business and working with a trusted group of freelancers has always appealed. This is now looking like a great way forward.

Outsourcing began in late 2020. The most recent job was for Adidas and was booked in by Gorilla editors. Everyone was delighted with the super clean work of Nuke operator Luis Mota. There are now four others I can defer to as required.

it all slots together perfectly

The unexpected thing is, I've noticed that Flame ops like myself, who have been running their jobs remotely for several years, can be effective producers.

·    I can expertly translate a brief and identify problems

·    I know how long things take & what they cost

·    I am a tech sounding board for compositors and clients alike

If your job looks like it might grow arms and legs, please just shout, and we will expand accordingly.

Dylan Winn-Brown